Monday, May 11, 2009

Morning glory flowers....?

My daughter brought me home a morning glory in a icecream container a few days ago. It's thriving! Already opened and showed me it's glory! lol Now I really want to plant it. I need to know if it's a perrinal or a annual. I need to know exactly how to care for it because I want to make it last as long as I can. I also noticed it's starting to climb on my other plants here in the house...can I have it as an indoor plant or does it need to be outside? Help!!

Morning glory flowers....?
if you want morning glories I have a fence full AGAIN had them pulled down in may,they are already covering my fence again...they are very pretty when they bloom,and they thrive here in east texas in the summer,,,but we have had alot of rain (a lot),and I think that helps....morning glory vines will grow up trees,and jump across to something else,they are like the attack of the killer tomatoes,,I stay away from mine when mowing,i'm afraid it might wrap around my ankle and pull me into it...will mail you an entire truck load if you
Reply:Annual. I used to grow them until they took over my yard and hybridized with wild AM glories.
Reply:I'm sorry Yard Man, but I have to call you out. Your response is word for word from this site. From:

"Morning glory vines grow very fast, reaching 10 feet or more two months after seeds sprout, and they will climb on just about any support. Profusely flowering against a background of pale green foliage, they quickly form lovely hedges or screens. The vines are sometimes used as a temporary ground cover, and do well in hanging baskets and containers. They should be planted in full sun and need a soil that is not too fertile or moist to prevent the production of leaves instead of flowers".

You have to site your sources.

I tried to be nice about it last time.

You did this another time from a site I included in my response. Those of us who actually do the research and site our sources recognize plagiarism easily.

That is blatant plagiarism.

(the first answer)

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