Saturday, November 19, 2011

Morning glory flowers...?

My morning glory plants are not blooming. I worry that they do not get enough sun, but the plants themselves are growing large with many large leaves... and no flowers. What am I doing wrong?

Morning glory flowers...?
i worried about the same thing for 2 years - i didnt get flowers til august (i live in northeast). i was the told that many strains of morning glories are late summer bloomers. they were very dense with leaves and grew vigorously and big - but no flowers. by end of summer, there were many hundreds. and they bloomed every day til frost, sun or clouds.
Reply:You are supposed to plant them

so that they get the morning sun.

If you have done this

they should begin to bloom soon.

Did you check them this morning?
Reply:My morning glories only bloom on cloudy/overcast days.
Reply:give them a little more time.. if they are still growing and the leaves look healthy. you arent doing anything wrong. just give them some time and you should have blooms soon.. mine take a while to get blossoms also! good luck !
Reply:You probably have a large amount of nitrogen (needed for vigorous leaf/foliage growth) and are deficient in phosphorus (needed for flowering/fruiting). Bone meal is a natural source for phosphorus.

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