Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I have a neighbors Morning glory over taking my yard..?

Its pretty and all. But am tired of it.

Kynda don't want to kill it.

any suggestions??


I have a neighbors Morning glory over taking my yard..?
Perhaps you could tie Morning glory to the fence to keep it in check and add another blooming or evergreen vine for a balance and change.

Good luck!
Reply:pour salt in the rooting area of the plant. it will slow the growth considerably
Reply:make a trellis and guide them up on it.or a fence.
Reply:speak to your neighbor and ask them if they wouldn,t mind tidying it up and be honest with them about it
Reply:if its on your side clip it back.it wont hurt the plant.

%26amp; are very hard to kill
Reply:Prune whatever is on your side of the fence.
Reply:Cut the part that is growing on your side. They probably think you want it to show on your side of the fence. You will have to do this more than once during the summer.

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