Saturday, May 22, 2010

Have you ever seen a morning glory?

My garden has a lot of them this year (The cultivated variety that is ) lovely flower available in shades of blue, pink. and white. It is a climber known to gardeners as Ipomoea.

Have you ever seen a morning glory?
Why is this question in the weather section? I was just wondering. I have seen the FLOWER Morning Glory. They are very pretty, but end up taking over your entire garden with tons of vines! If you're talking about weather...a glorious morning to me would be waking up to a spectacular sunrise over the ocean with a slight warm breeze, laying in a hammock between two palm trees, drinking Kona Coffee or Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee!
Reply:Yes, all over here in Tennessee. they are really pretty, havent you ever seen one? Sad.
Reply:Yes several times I plant them often and they are such a nice surprise for your morning.
Reply:Is it like morning wood?
Reply:in my opinion they are the most beautiful flower ive seen.

just dont eat the seeds unless you want a trip on LSA :)

safety shoes

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