Monday, May 17, 2010

Can Morning Glory Seeds get you high ?

In sufficient quantities, raw common morning glory (ipomaea purpurea) seeds produce a psychedelic - hallucinogenic effect, much like LSD (or so I'm told). In order to obtain this effect, you will need to consume around 150-200 seeds at one sitting. Like LSD, however, morning glory seeds sometimes give you visions you weren't looking for, and the trip can be an unpleasant one. Also, while there is no record that I am aware of any fatalities, numerous hospital visits are made each year by persons who eat the treated seeds - the kind you buy in packets to plant in baskets - since they're coated with an insecticide toxic to humans. If you cannot guarantee your seeds are untreated, or if you cannot pick 200 of them yourself, it's recommended to not ingest them.

Can Morning Glory Seeds get you high ?
They can get me high but only me, not you.
Reply:i've done some searching for answers to this question.

i think i've found another 'morning type seed' that might answer this question .. an alternative methinks..

i believe it is called.. "BEMHO" aka "Morning Wood"..

These need to be planted in the wee hours of the morning, usually just before sunrise..and, are a HARDy crop altogether

these type prefer the usual environment for growing.. ie. warm,moist conditions, lots of TLC..

oops answer the question? ok yup ,BUT....
Reply:Yes, but just because you can, doesn't mean you should .
Reply:Seeds of heavenly blue morning glory (Ipomoea tricolor) contain LSA, a lysergic acid compound very similar to LSD. They have been used by Shamans and various South American tribes for centuries in religious ceremonies. THey used to crush the seeds into water, leave it to soak then drink the liquid. However, many morning glory seeds sold these days are also coated with insecticide which can make you a bit nauseous if you ingest them.

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