Monday, May 17, 2010

Morning Glory? Is is feasible to plant them in containers on the deck? Can you start them early in the house?

yes to both questions. Scarify (scratch) the seed with a sharp knife and soak overnight in water. Then plant in soil. Will sprout pretty quickly.

To grow in a container, you'll need a trellis of some sort. Some neat ones can be made with willow branches and leather shoe laces. Put the willow in the large container and pull the tops together and tie with lacing.......The taller the willow, the taller your vines. Morning glories are also neat growing up sunflowers in containers on decks.

Morning Glory? Is is feasible to plant them in containers on the deck? Can you start them early in the house?
I bought some mixed morning glory's about a week ago.

I planted the light colored ones in one flat and the dark in another, the light colored germinated in FOUR day's they are about 1 1/2 inches already, the dark are just now appearing.

They are facing a west side window.

I do have a greenhouse that I will put them in when it gets warmer.

I only have a heated mat in there now which keeps temp just about ten degrees warmer than outside
Reply:My elementary students start them in those little starter kits that you water and they expand. The name slips my memory, but I buy them at Home Depot. When they are large enough we put them together in a large pot and put them outside our entrance to the school. Works great and everyone enjoys them.
Reply:You can get these little pots that are made out of mulch. Pour some potting soil in and plant the seeds. When you are getting ready to plant outside just put the whole thing-pot and all in the ground.

Park Hotel Ahrensburg

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