Monday, May 17, 2010

Morning glory seeds?

Tell me about them. Recreational use.

Morning glory seeds?
They are a poisonous flowering seed (most natural hallucinagens are poisons which is part of the reason they effect brain chemistry the way they do). In small quantities, they can produce effects similar to those reported under the influence of psillisyben mushrooms or LSD (acid). However, they are POISONOUS... so dosages are hard to come up with safely. If you're truly interested in altered states of consciousness, I highly recommend learning to find the mental discipline to reach them without endangering your body. It IS possible. But you do have to work at it a bit more than haphazardly endangering your life for a buzz.
Reply:It will get you off but you have to use a specific strain, check out I beleive thats correct, they have all the answers and scientific data on every party favor known to man
Reply:Can make you puke all night long, bad stomach cramps and diarrhea. Need a buzz... drink a beer.
Reply:some of my friends took them, said they had a hallucinating effect. Also said they hurt your stomach really bad so make sure to rinse them off and perhaps do something else to alleviate the pain.

Not sure how safe this is

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